Saturday, December 30, 2017

It’s about time… My #oneword2018

It’s about time… My #oneword2018

Time for what? Not time for more... Not time for less...

Just time…

This is why I have chosen TIME as my #oneword2018

As someone who grew up in a farming/education family (Dad was a WI dairy farmer, mom was a teacher) time was always a treasure. As I look back on my time as a husband, a father, and an educator,  time continues to be a treasure. I have been fortunate to have worked and collaborated with many educators. Several of whom I have admired greatly, some, not so much. Either way, I have been fortunate to have learned something from them all. One common theme I see repeating over and over as I look back on life, both personally and professionally, is that to truly be good at anything, it truly is about time…Time to learn, no matter what the role...
  • Time to share 
  • Time to purposely reflect 
  • Time to laugh
  • Time to cry
  • Time to accept new challenges 
  • Time to say goodbye 
  • Time to admit when you’re wrong 
  • Time to celebrate success 
  • Time to say no
  • Time to sit down with a colleague, with a friend
  • Time to be present 
  • Time to put family first
  • Time to…

The list, just like time, goes on and on, and just like our world, it changes with time. For me, it’s time to focus on the future, rather than the past. It’s time to focus on family, my kids and my spouse. It’s time to prioritize focus within my profession, and time to trust and support those I collaborate with as they find their time to...

What is your #oneword2018 ?

And what will you find time for?

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